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7 Lifestyle Changes to Ease Chronic Lower Back Pain

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7 Lifestyle Changes to Ease Chronic Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is a common medical problem for women and men of all ages, affecting as many as 84% of people at some point during their lives. While chiropractic care can help relieve and even prevent lower back pain, lifestyle changes can help, too.

As a top-rated chiropractor at Kerinver Chiropractic in Kissimmee and Orlando, Florida, Josue Maysonet, DC, offers comprehensive, holistic treatment for lower back pain, helping women and men enjoy active and more comfortable lives. In this post, learn about seven simple lifestyle changes that could provide relief for your lower back pain.

1. Focus on posture

Posture influences lower and upper back pain, shoulders, and neck — yet most people ignore it. Sitting slumped down, hunched over, or slouching while standing or walking  puts excess pressure on muscles, ligaments, and tendons in your lower back, leading to irritation, inflammation, and chronic pain. 

Simple changes like sitting up straight, using a proper desk and office chair when working, and keeping your shoulders relaxed help distribute your weight evenly. Using a lumbar pillow or other supports helps keep your spine aligned and serves as a gentle reminder to maintain your posture while working or relaxing.

2. Drop excess pounds

There’s a reason why pregnant women suffer from lower back pain in the later months of pregnancy: A large belly or waist area puts added pressure on your back muscles and throws your balance “off center.”

Losing those extra pounds decreases muscle strain and helps your spine maintain its normal alignment. Maintaining a healthy weight benefits your health in other ways and reduces the risks of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure, and some types of cancer.

3. Exercise regularly

According to the CDC, about three-quarters of Americans aren’t getting the recommended amount of exercise needed to stay healthy. If you’re one of the millions of people leading a relatively inactive, sedentary lifestyle, you’re far more likely to suffer from lower back pain, too.

 Your back needs regular exercise to stay strong and flexible to support your weight and activities without pain and stiffness. Make exercise a daily habit by incorporating a half-hour walk each day or taking up swimming or bicycling. Add exercises that help strengthen your legs, tummy, and core muscles to provide much-needed stability for your lower spine.

4. Take frequent breaks

Many of us spend a lot of time sitting in front of our computers, phones, or TVs. Excessive sitting puts strain on your lower back, leading to chronic pain and inflammation. 

To prevent discomfort, work in frequent breaks to stretch and move throughout the day. Set a timer to remind you to get up and move every 20-30 minutes to relax tight muscles and improve healing circulation.

5. Practice stress management

Chronic stress is an unfortunate reality for millions of Americans, and even temporary or acute stress can take a toll on your health, including your lower back. Stress causes muscle tension, leading to irritation, inflammation, pain, and stiffness.

Practicing stress management techniques can help relieve stress, especially when you make them part of your daily routine. Yoga and meditation can help, or look into simple breathing exercises you can perform anywhere — even when stuck in traffic.

6. Optimize sleep habits

Sleep is essential for maintaining good health. Not only can a good night’s sleep help relax tight muscles in your lower back, but it also helps your body fight inflammation that can lead to pain and stiffness. 

To avoid lower back pain while you sleep, invest in a good, supportive mattress and consider using pillows to support your back and legs. Focus on creating a relaxing bedtime routine to prepare your body and mind for sleep, and consider incorporating these sleep hygiene tips offered by the CDC.

7. Quit smoking

Last but certainly not least, if you smoke, take steps to quit. While most people know smoking takes a toll on your heart and lungs, the fact is, that smoking affects every aspect of your health, including your circulation.

The chemicals in smoke restrict blood flow to back muscles and spinal discs, increasing the risk of degenerative spine problems and contributing to chronic pain and stiffness. Quitting isn’t easy, but the benefits are tremendous. The tips at can help you get started.

You don’t have to suffer from lower back pain — chiropractic care can help. To learn more, request an appointment online or over the phone with the team at Kerinver Chiropractic in Kissimmee and Lake Nona, Orlando, Florida, today.